New Additions to the Family

Posted by Roneil Icatar On 10/24/2010 09:20:00 PM

We recently bought two new pets for the kids, sugar gliders, also known as sugar bears.  These cute little furry animals are part of the marsupial family and come all the way from Australia.  The attractive features they bring as pets are that they are clean, friendly, and need relatively little maintenance.  We’ve had them for about a week now and are still going through the bonding phase, and we think they are getting a little more used to us now. 

Here are a couple pictures and videos of “Oriette” and “Squeeky”, our new sugar gliders.  (FYI, Annalise wanted to name hers Oreo because it was black and white, but since it is a girl, she wanted the name to be more feminine, hence, Oriette!)

Click each picture for a larger view.






2 Response to 'New Additions to the Family'

  1. Grandpa Said,'> October 25, 2010 at 2:58 PM

    They are really cute! Take good care of them, Annalise and Isabella.


  2.'> February 5, 2025 at 3:10 PM

    I think sugar gliders are adorable pets.


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