Welcome to the newly redesigned Icatar.com! Our lives have certainly changed dramatically over the last year and this new site represents a fresh start. Here you will continue to find news updates for our family and other potential news of interest. We've made the most interesting items more readily available. Over to the right, we will post recent photos from our family. You will also notice a dedicated video player which will display all of our family videos that we have posted to Youtube. Also, be sure to click the Subscribe link below and you will receive an e-mail anytime we post anything new. Finally, feel free to comment on any post or you can e-mail me directly with any comments at roneil@icatar.com.

Happy Halloween Weekend

Posted by Roneil Icatar On 10/31/2010 10:53:00 PM 0 comments

As promised, we had a great Halloween weekend.  On Friday night, the kids had a Halloween dance at their school.  On Saturday, we went for a nice walk through the New Canaan Nature Center discovery trails.  On Sunday, before the the trick-or-treating festivities, we played in some leaf piles.  As they say, pictures are worth a thousand words, so we have a few thousand words below!

(Click on each picture to see a larger view!)













New Additions to the Family

Posted by Roneil Icatar On 10/24/2010 09:20:00 PM 2 comments

We recently bought two new pets for the kids, sugar gliders, also known as sugar bears.  These cute little furry animals are part of the marsupial family and come all the way from Australia.  The attractive features they bring as pets are that they are clean, friendly, and need relatively little maintenance.  We’ve had them for about a week now and are still going through the bonding phase, and we think they are getting a little more used to us now. 

Here are a couple pictures and videos of “Oriette” and “Squeeky”, our new sugar gliders.  (FYI, Annalise wanted to name hers Oreo because it was black and white, but since it is a girl, she wanted the name to be more feminine, hence, Oriette!)

Click each picture for a larger view.






Fall Fun–10/10/10

Posted by Roneil Icatar On 10/10/2010 09:59:00 PM 2 comments

Here are a couple recent pictures showing some fun that we’ve been having.  Enjoy!


The kids try out this tractor during our visit to the Norwalk Department of Public Works.P1030428

Another picture of the kids at the Norwalk DPW.


Roneil getting ready for the first game of the Yankees playoffs.  He’s wearing his Yankees hat, shirt, jacket, snuggie, foam finger, shopping bag, and coffee mug.


Annalise is pretty upset that all the Yankees ice cream is gone! Sad smile


The kids had their own sleepover party last night.


Isabella shows off a new hand-made shawl from a friend.


The kids enjoy treats from apple picking.  We actually brought a portable scale to the orchard so that we can weigh the apple that Isabella ate.  (By the way, the apple Isabella ate was 104g and 12g of carbs.)P1030476

From the odd and bizarre file.  This half eaten apple was still on the tree!


The kids pick out their pumpkin to prepare for Halloween.