We recently found a massive tumor in our little Isabella's head. We are keeping a detailed account at the Isabella's Fight web page.
Three new videos for Nathaniel. Enjoy!
Nathaniel vs. The Balloon from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel Crawling - 1 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel Crawling - 2 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel vs. The Balloon from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel Crawling - 1 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel Crawling - 2 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Isabella played in her first T-ball game today for Ed's Garage Doors. Sort of reminds me of Chico's Bail Bonds (go ahead, look it up if you need to :) ). Below are video of her two at-bats. To see an HD version of each, just click the link below each video. Enjoy!
First At Bat
Isabella's 1st T-Ball Game from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Second At Bat
Isabella's 1st T-Ball Game Part 2 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
First At Bat
Isabella's 1st T-Ball Game from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Second At Bat
Isabella's 1st T-Ball Game Part 2 from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Here's a video of Nathaniel almost crawling. We're also testing this new video site called Vimeo which displays High Definition videos. The video below is not hi-def, but if you click on the link, it will take you to a hi-def version. Enjoy!
Nathaniel Trying to Crawl from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Nathaniel Trying to Crawl from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Just got a new digicam with HD. Here's a small test with Nathaniel.
Testing HD with Nathaniel from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
Testing HD with Nathaniel from Roneil Icatar on Vimeo.
The kids' cousin, Reid, who was born a week before Nathaniel came to visit us this week. Here are some pictures of the two cutey's and everything else that happened during the week. And of course we have a video!
Annalise and Isabella do! We recently got Guitar Hero and Rock Band for the XBox. The kids have picked up the drums very quickly. Annalise is here playing Say It Ain't So by Weezer and Isabella is practicing the song on a slower speed.