Happy New Year! Hope you all have a Happy New Year. I plan on updating the stuff on this site more often (yes, more than twice a year! ;) ) I should be putting up more pics of Annalise and will be playing around with some videos as well.
And here's a little 1 minute video Christmas Card with Annalise. There are two versions, one for those with high-speed Internet connections (i.e. Cable Modem, DSL, etc.) and those with poky Internet connections. If you have Windows Media Player installed, you should be able to play whichever version you want right in the web page. Otherwise, you can click on the words "Christmas Video" and Media Player will open in a new window.
Christmas Video (Hi Speed)
Christmas Video (Low Speed)
R.I.P., Dad: After a short bout with cancer, my dad died on Thursday, July 25. He passed peacefully surrounded by several family members. He was originally diagnosed with the cancer on March 17, when a tumor was found in his brain. On March 28, they performed surgery to remove the tumor. From then on, he gradually declined, as the cancer, which originated in his lungs, continued to spread. Less than four months later, he took his last breath in front of his wife, two sons, and other members of the family.

Hola, Amigos! I just started my first week at a new job with Univision in New York City. Univision is the largest Spanish television network in the country. I'll be commuting into the city everyday by train, which takes about an hour, but at least I'm not driving. Julianne will also be joining up with an OB/GYN practice here in Fairfield County starting June 1. Not bad having almost a year off! So, lots more changes here and we've been real busy just finally finishing up moving in - I don't know if we'll ever be finished!
Houston, We Had a Problem: But hopefully that's gone. I think that I found the piece of hardware that was causing my computer to crash on an irregular basis, and it's been up for a whole 2 days now! (Keep your fingers crossed.) Anyway, this is a good sign as I try to take this web site to a new level. Maybe I'll even have a real WebCam up in time ;).
WebCam! WebCams are constantly updated pictures on the Internet. I've setup my own little web cam at our house. Click the web cam link above to catch a glimpse at what's going on at Chez Icatar.
ONLINE STATUS: Check it out! At the top of this page, you should be able to see my online status with MSN Messenger and ICQ, so you should be able to see whether I am available or not. Thanks to status.webhop.net for this capability.
I'M BACK!!!: Thanks to www.no-ip.com, I can host my web site again. If you want to publish your own web site and you have a dynamic IP address and you'd like a 'name' then they're the guys. For no charge, you can use a 'sub-name' of their domain or for $25 a year, you can use your own domain, like icatar.com! Their best feature? They can redirect web traffic to a different port in case your ISP (like Optimum Online) blocks port 80.
I'm working on a project in Boston at the moment, but I do have updates to Annalise's web page in the works which should make it easier to browse through her pictures. And I also have a ton of new pictures waiting to be uploaded, so stay tuned.
I'm working on a project in Boston at the moment, but I do have updates to Annalise's web page in the works which should make it easier to browse through her pictures. And I also have a ton of new pictures waiting to be uploaded, so stay tuned.
NEED YOUR HELP! Optimum Online, my cable modem provider, apparently doesn't "allow" people to host web sites at their house. They even go so far as to block any incoming web requests to my web site. So far, I've gotten around this by doing some creative manipulation with other networks and cable providers who aren't so strict with their policies. But since the demise of @Home, time may be running short for this web site. If you have a good Internet connection that allows inbound web traffic and are willing to redirect web traffic to my site, please contact me. I could certainly repay you with other services such as hosting a mail server, or hosting your own web site, whatever. PLEASE!!!